Leading in Context course schedule

All courses are offered in a hybrid format, combining synchronous instruction with online learning components. Students can attend synchronous class meetings either in person or via individual teleconferencing.

Class meetings are on Wednesdays from 4:30-7:30 p.m.

A note about summer semesters

Completing an intensive summer graduate course requires approximately 50-60 hours per week. Be prepared for a full-time commitment.

  • You are responsible for in-person or synchronous virtual class meetings, independent work, small-group discussions, and individual conferences.
  • ​While independent assignments have flexibility, the compressed nature of these courses requires fast turnaround and precise sequencing.
  • Master of Arts in Education
  • Teacher Leadership Certificate
Master of Arts in Education

Core Courses (6-8 credits; minimum of 2 courses required) 

Foundational Perspectives: choose one (3 or 4 credits)  

  1. ED 590 - Special Topics
  2. ED 610 - Innovative Learning Design (3)  
  3. ED 620 - Equity, Identities and Cultural Consciousness in Education (3) or   
  4. ED 671 - Foundations of Special Education (4)   

Assessment: choose one (3 or 4 credits)  

  1. ED 720 - Data-Informed Decision Making (3) or  
  2. ED 636 - Assessment & Policy for Multilingual Learners (3) or   
  3. ED 672 - Identification & Assessment of Students with Disabilities (4)  

Research sequence (9 credits)  

  1. ED 600 - Introduction to Graduate Research (3 credits)   
  2. ED 750 Action Research I: Data Collection (3)   
  3. ED 760 Action Research II: Data Analysis (3) 

Electives (3-4 courses, 10-12 credits minimum to reach program minimum of 30 credits)   

  • ED 610 Innovative Learning Design (3)  
  • ED 620 Equity, Identities and Cultural Consciousness in Education (3) 
  • ED 633 Language Acquisition and Learning (3)  
  • ED 634 Methods for Multilingual Learners (3)   
  • ED 635 Educational Linguistics (3)  
  • ED 636 Assessment & Policy for Multilingual Learners (3)    
  • ED 664 Literacy and Language Development (3)  
  • ED 671 Foundations of Special Education (4)  
  • ED 672 Identification & Assessment of Students with Disabilities (4)  
  • ED 673 Family & Professional Relationships & IEP Development (4)  
  • ED 710 Transformational Coaching (3)  
  • ED 720 Data-Informed Decision Making (3)  
  • ED 730 Models of Learner-Centered Instruction (3)  
  • ED 740 Introduction to Organizational Leadership (3)

Please see the catalog for full program requirements and course descriptions

Teacher Leadership Certificate

ED 620: Cultural Competency & Schools (3 credits)

ED 630: Emerging Technology in Education (3 credits)

ED 710: Transformational Coaching (3 credits)

ED 720: Data-Informed Decision Making (3 credits)

ED 730: Models of Learner-Centered Instruction (3 credits)

ED 740: Introduction to Organizational Leadership (3 credits)

Please see catalog for full program requirements and course descriptions